Streamlining Business Operations: Reducing Staff Costs through CAD Outsourcing

One effective strategy to optimize operations while minimizing costs that has gained traction across various industries is outsourcing Computer-Aided Design (CAD) services. By leveraging external expertise, companies can significantly reduce staff costs while maintaining high-quality design standards. Let’s delve into how outsourcing CAD services can be a game-changer for businesses aiming to streamline their operations and boost efficiency.

Enhancing Flexibility and Scalability

Outsourcing CAD services provides businesses with the flexibility to scale their operations according to project demands. Instead of hiring a full-time, in-house team, companies can access a pool of experienced CAD professionals on an as-needed basis. Whether it’s a short-term project or a long-term partnership, outsourcing allows businesses to adjust resources accordingly, minimizing idle capacity and maximizing productivity.

Access to Specialized Expertise in CAD

CAD outsourcing firms typically employ highly skilled professionals with expertise in various CAD software and design disciplines. By partnering with these specialists, businesses gain access to a diverse talent pool without the need for extensive recruitment efforts and training expenses. Whether it’s architectural design, mechanical engineering, or product development, outsourcing firms can provide tailored solutions to meet specific project requirements, ensuring optimal results and faster turnaround times.

Cost Savings and CAD Operational Efficiency

One of the most significant benefits of outsourcing CAD services is the cost savings it offers. By eliminating the need for recruiting, training, and maintaining an in-house team, businesses can reduce overhead costs associated with salaries, benefits, office space, and equipment. Additionally, outsourcing firms often operate in regions with lower labor costs, further driving down expenses while maintaining high-quality standards.

Focus on Core Competencies

Outsourcing services allows businesses to focus their internal resources on core competencies and strategic initiatives. By delegating non-core tasks such as CAD drafting and design to external partners, companies can allocate more time and resources to innovation, product development, and customer satisfaction. This strategic reallocation of resources enables businesses to stay competitive in their respective markets while fostering growth and innovation.

Improved Time-to-Market

In today’s fast-paced business environment, speed to market is critical for maintaining a competitive edge. By outsourcing CAD services, businesses can accelerate the design and development process, reducing time-to-market for new products and initiatives. With access to a dedicated team of CAD professionals, companies can streamline workflows, minimize design iterations, and meet tight deadlines more effectively, ultimately enhancing their agility and responsiveness to market demands.


In conclusion, outsourcing CAD services presents a compelling opportunity for businesses to reduce staff costs, enhance operational efficiency, and drive innovation. By leveraging external expertise, companies can access specialized skills, scale their operations, and accelerate time-to-market while focusing on their core competencies. With the right outsourcing partner, businesses can achieve significant cost savings, optimize resource allocation, and gain a competitive advantage in today’s dynamic marketplace.

CAD photo
Over the Shoulder Shot of Engineer Working with CAD Software on Desktop Computer, Screen Shows Technical Drafts and Drawings. In the Background Engineering Facility Specialising on Industrial Design

Navigating the Digital Blueprint: CAD Solutions for Data Cabling and Comms Room Layouts

In the fast-paced world of modern infrastructure design, CAD (Computer-Aided Design) stands as a beacon of efficiency and precision. Among its myriad applications, CAD plays a pivotal role in the planning and implementation of data cabling systems and the layout of communication rooms (comms rooms). Let’s delve into how CAD facilitates the creation of floor plans and comms room layouts, revolutionizing the way we design and optimize our digital infrastructure.

Precision Planning with CAD:

Gone are the days of laborious hand-drawn blueprints. CAD empowers designers and engineers to create intricate floor plans with unparalleled accuracy and detail. Whether it’s a small office space or a sprawling corporate campus, CAD software provides the tools to visualize, draft, and iterate floor plans with ease. From defining room dimensions and door placements to specifying electrical outlets and data ports, CAD ensures every element is meticulously accounted for, laying the groundwork for efficient data cabling implementation.

Optimizing Data Cabling Routes:

Central to any modern infrastructure is the network of data cables that facilitate seamless communication and connectivity. CAD enables designers to strategize and optimize data cabling routes within a building, minimizing cable lengths, reducing interference, and ensuring optimal performance. By integrating CAD with Building Information Modeling (BIM), designers can visualize data cabling pathways within the context of the entire building structure, identifying potential conflicts and optimizing routing for maximum efficiency.

Designing Comms Rooms for Optimal Functionality:

Comms rooms serve as the nerve center of a building’s digital infrastructure, housing networking equipment, servers, and telecommunications systems. CAD empowers designers to create comms room layouts that maximize space utilization, airflow, and accessibility. From rack placement and cable management to HVAC considerations and equipment clearance, CAD enables designers to fine-tune every aspect of the comms room layout, ensuring optimal functionality and ease of maintenance.

Streamlining Collaboration and Documentation:

One of CAD’s greatest strengths lies in its ability to streamline collaboration and documentation throughout the design process. With CAD software, multiple stakeholders can collaborate in real-time, sharing feedback, making revisions, and ensuring alignment across teams. Furthermore, CAD-generated floor plans and comms room layouts serve as invaluable documentation for contractors, installers, and maintenance personnel, providing a clear and comprehensive guide for implementation and ongoing management.

Embracing Innovation and Adaptability:

As technology continues to evolve, so too does the role of CAD in data cabling and comms room design. From augmented reality (AR) overlays for on-site visualization to predictive analytics for optimizing network performance, CAD solutions are embracing innovation to meet the ever-changing demands of modern infrastructure design. By leveraging CAD’s adaptability and flexibility, designers can stay ahead of the curve, driving efficiency, reliability, and scalability in their digital infrastructure projects.

In conclusion, CAD serves as a cornerstone of modern infrastructure design, revolutionizing the way we plan, implement, and optimize data cabling systems and comms room layouts. With its precision, versatility, and collaborative capabilities, CAD empowers designers to create robust and efficient digital infrastructures that form the backbone of our interconnected world. As technology continues to advance, CAD will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of innovation, shaping the future of infrastructure design for generations to come.

laptop and blueprints at site office

Exploring the Latest Features in AutoCAD 2024

AutoCAD, the industry-standard computer-aided design (CAD) software, continues to evolve with each iteration, empowering designers, architects, and engineers to bring their visions to life with precision and efficiency. In AutoCAD 2024, Autodesk has introduced several new features and enhancements aimed at streamlining workflows, improving collaboration, and boosting productivity. Let’s delve into what’s new in AutoCAD 2024:

  1. Enhanced Collaboration Tools: AutoCAD 2024 places a strong emphasis on collaboration, with features designed to facilitate seamless teamwork. Users can now work on the same drawing simultaneously, allowing for real-time collaboration and eliminating the need for tedious file exchanges.
  2. Revamped User Interface: The user interface in AutoCAD 2024 has been refreshed for a more modern and intuitive experience. Streamlined menus, updated icons, and customizable tool palettes make it easier than ever to access the tools and commands you need.
  3. Improved 3D Modeling Capabilities: AutoCAD 2024 introduces enhancements to its 3D modeling tools, enabling users to create complex geometry with greater ease and precision. New features such as dynamic UCS (User Coordinate System) make it simpler to manipulate objects in 3D space, while improved rendering options produce stunning visualizations.
  4. Enhanced Automation with AI: Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), AutoCAD 2024 automates repetitive tasks and accelerates the design process. AI-driven features, such as intelligent object recognition and automated dimensioning, help users work more efficiently and accurately.
  5. Integrated Collaboration with Autodesk Docs: AutoCAD 2024 seamlessly integrates with Autodesk Docs, Autodesk’s cloud-based document management platform. This integration enables users to access, share, and manage drawing files from any device, anywhere, fostering greater collaboration and project transparency.
  6. Expanded Compatibility and Interoperability: AutoCAD 2024 offers improved compatibility and interoperability with other Autodesk software and industry-standard file formats. Whether you’re collaborating with colleagues using different CAD tools or importing/exporting files from other software packages, AutoCAD 2024 ensures smooth workflows and seamless data exchange.
  7. Enhanced Security Features: In today’s digital landscape, security is paramount. AutoCAD 2024 includes enhanced security features to protect sensitive data and intellectual property, giving users peace of mind when sharing drawings or collaborating with external partners.
  8. Performance Enhancements: To ensure optimal performance, AutoCAD 2024 comes with various performance enhancements, including faster load times, smoother navigation, and improved graphics rendering. These enhancements enable users to work more efficiently, even with large and complex drawings.

In conclusion, AutoCAD 2024 represents a significant leap forward in CAD technology, offering an array of new features and enhancements designed to empower users, streamline workflows, and foster greater collaboration. Whether you’re an architect, engineer, or designer, AutoCAD 2024 provides the tools you need to bring your ideas to life with precision and efficiency.

image of a cad drawing
Architectural projects and laptop stand on the table

Safeguarding Your CAD Files with Dropbox for Business

In today’s digital landscape, the importance of safeguarding sensitive files, especially Computer-Aided Design (CAD) files, cannot be overstated. With the increasing reliance on digital platforms for collaboration and storage, businesses need robust solutions that not only ensure security but also streamline workflows. One such solution that stands out is Dropbox for Business.

The Importance of CAD File Security

CAD files are the lifeblood of many businesses, particularly in industries like engineering, architecture, and manufacturing. These files often contain proprietary designs, intellectual property, and critical project information. Losing or compromising access to these files can have significant consequences, including financial loss, reputational damage, and even legal implications.

Why Dropbox for Business?

Dropbox for Business offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to meet the specific needs of businesses, including those working with CAD files:

  1. Secure Storage: Dropbox employs advanced encryption protocols to protect your files both in transit and at rest. With features like two-factor authentication and granular access controls, you can ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive CAD files.
  2. Version History: Accidental deletions or unwanted changes to CAD files can be disastrous. Dropbox’s version history feature allows you to roll back to previous versions of files, providing peace of mind and safeguarding against inadvertent errors.
  3. Collaboration Tools: Collaboration is seamless with Dropbox for Business. Team members can simultaneously work on CAD files, leave comments, and track changes in real-time, enhancing productivity without compromising security.
  4. Integration: Dropbox integrates seamlessly with popular CAD software like AutoCAD, SolidWorks, and Revit, allowing for smooth file sharing and collaboration directly from within the CAD environment.
  5. File Recovery: In the unfortunate event of data loss or corruption, Dropbox’s robust backup and recovery options ensure that your CAD files are never irretrievably lost.

Best Practices for Securing CAD Files on Dropbox

While Dropbox for Business provides robust security features, it’s essential to implement best practices to maximize protection:

  1. Regular Backups: Maintain regular backups of CAD files to ensure redundancy and minimize the risk of data loss.
  2. Access Controls: Limit access to CAD files to only those who require it for their roles, and regularly review and update permissions as needed.
  3. Training and Awareness: Educate employees about the importance of file security and best practices for using Dropbox effectively.
  4. Encryption: Consider encrypting CAD files before uploading them to Dropbox for an added layer of protection, especially for highly sensitive information.
  5. Regular Audits: Conduct periodic audits of file access logs and permissions to identify any unauthorized activity or potential security risks.


In an era where data security is paramount, businesses cannot afford to overlook the protection of their CAD files. With Dropbox for Business, organizations can leverage a secure, user-friendly platform to store, collaborate on, and safeguard their valuable CAD assets. By implementing best practices and leveraging the robust security features offered by Dropbox, businesses can ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their CAD files, thereby mitigating risks and fostering productivity.

photo of a phone with dropbox on it

Ensuring Faster Turnaround: The Crucial Role of Clear and Legible CAD Mark-ups

In the realm of design and engineering, efficiency is paramount. Projects often hinge on timely responses, accurate revisions, and streamlined communication. Amidst this need for speed, one often overlooked yet critical aspect is the clarity and legibility of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) mark-ups. These annotations, when executed clearly, not only enhance comprehension but also play a pivotal role in expediting the turnaround time of projects. Let’s delve into why clear and legible CAD mark-ups are indispensable for achieving faster turnarounds.

  1. Precision in Communication: Clear CAD mark-ups serve as a universal language among designers, commercial property owners, engineers, contractors and stakeholders. They provide precise instructions, eliminating ambiguity and reducing the likelihood of errors or misinterpretations. When everyone involved can easily understand the mark-ups, revisions can be swiftly implemented without the need for extensive back-and-forth exchanges.
  2. Facilitating Collaboration: In collaborative projects, effective communication is the cornerstone of success. Legible mark-ups enable seamless collaboration among team members, regardless of their geographical locations. By clearly articulating changes and annotations, stakeholders can efficiently contribute their insights, fostering a cohesive workflow and accelerating project timelines.
  3. Minimizing Rework: Ambiguous or illegible mark-ups can lead to confusion and, consequently, rework. This not only consumes valuable time but also disrupts project momentum. Clear and legible mark-ups significantly reduce the likelihood of errors, ensuring that revisions are implemented accurately on the first attempt. Consequently, the need for iterative revisions is minimized, optimizing turnaround times.
  4. Enhancing Decision-Making: Timely decision-making is imperative in meeting project deadlines. When mark-ups are clear and easy to decipher, decision-makers can swiftly assess proposed changes and provide approvals or feedback. This agile decision-making process prevents bottlenecks and empowers teams to progress efficiently towards project milestones.
  5. Improving Client Satisfaction: Clients expect prompt responses and timely deliverables. Clear CAD mark-ups demonstrate professionalism and attentiveness to detail, instilling confidence in clients regarding the project’s progress. By consistently delivering clear and legible mark-ups, designers and engineers can foster trust and satisfaction, potentially leading to repeat business and positive referrals.
  6. Optimizing Workflow Efficiency: In a fast-paced environment, every minute counts. Illegible mark-ups can disrupt workflow efficiency, causing delays and impeding project timelines. Conversely, clear and legible mark-ups facilitate a smooth workflow, enabling teams to focus their efforts on value-adding tasks rather than deciphering instructions. This optimization of workflow efficiency directly translates to faster turnarounds.

In conclusion, the importance of clear and legible CAD mark-ups cannot be overstated in achieving faster turnarounds in design and engineering projects. By serving as a catalyst for precise communication, seamless collaboration, and efficient decision-making, clear mark-ups streamline workflows, minimize errors, and enhance client satisfaction. As the industry continues to evolve, prioritizing the clarity and legibility of CAD mark-ups remains indispensable for staying competitive and delivering exceptional results, promptly.

picture of a floor plan in CAD
Accurate floor plan in CAD

Ensuring Fire Safety in CAD: The Vital Role of Fire Protection Layouts

In the bustling world of architectural and engineering design, the utilization of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software has revolutionized the way structures are conceptualized and constructed. However, amidst the focus on aesthetics and functionality, one critical aspect often overlooked is fire safety. Particularly in regions like London and Essex, where stringent regulations are in place, integrating effective fire protection layouts within CAD designs is paramount to safeguarding lives and properties.

Understanding Fire Zones:

Fire safety begins with a comprehensive understanding of fire zones within a building. These zones delineate areas based on their fire risk and occupancy, ranging from low-risk residential spaces to high-risk industrial zones. Incorporating this zoning framework into CAD designs allows architects and engineers to strategically place fire protection measures where they are most needed.

Importance of Fire Protection Layouts:

  1. Life Preservation: The primary objective of fire protection layouts is to ensure the swift evacuation of occupants in the event of a fire. CAD enables designers to map out escape routes, emergency exits, and assembly points with precision, minimizing the risk of casualties.
  2. Property Protection: Beyond human safety, fire protection layouts safeguard valuable assets and infrastructure. CAD facilitates the integration of fire-resistant materials, sprinkler systems, and smoke detectors into building designs, mitigating the spread of flames and minimizing property damage.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: London and Essex, like many regions, enforce strict building codes and fire safety regulations. CAD allows designers to align their projects with these requirements, ensuring compliance and avoiding costly fines or legal repercussions.
  4. Risk Mitigation: By simulating fire scenarios within CAD environments, designers can identify potential hazards and vulnerabilities early in the design phase. This proactive approach enables the implementation of targeted fire protection measures to mitigate risks effectively.
  5. Cost Efficiency: Incorporating fire protection layouts during the design stage is far more cost-effective than retrofitting safety measures post-construction. CAD enables designers to optimize layouts and systems for efficiency, ultimately reducing long-term maintenance and operational costs.

Implementing Fire Safety in CAD:

  1. Collaborative Design: Engaging stakeholders, including fire safety consultants and local authorities, fosters a collaborative approach to fire safety in CAD designs. By integrating diverse perspectives, designers can develop comprehensive fire protection layouts that address all contingencies.
  2. Utilizing BIM: Building Information Modeling (BIM) further enhances the efficacy of fire protection layouts within CAD designs. BIM enables the creation of detailed digital prototypes that simulate fire behavior, evacuation routes, and structural integrity, providing invaluable insights for design optimization.
  3. Continuous Training: Given the evolving nature of fire safety standards and technologies, ongoing training and professional development are essential for CAD designers. Staying abreast of industry best practices and emerging trends ensures that fire protection layouts remain at the forefront of design priorities.

In conclusion, prioritizing fire safety in CAD designs is not just a legal requirement but a moral imperative. By integrating robust fire protection layouts, designers play a pivotal role in safeguarding lives, properties, and communities. In regions like London and Essex, where the risk of fire hazards is heightened, adherence to stringent regulations and proactive design practices can make all the difference in preventing tragedies and ensuring a resilient built environment for generations to come.

The Vital Role of Accurate Electrical Drawings: A Must-Have for Projects in London and Essex

In the intricate dance of construction and renovation projects, especially in bustling urban landscapes like London and Essex, accuracy reigns supreme. Amidst the flurry of architectural plans and design schematics, one element often overlooked but of paramount importance is electrical drawings. These blueprints, meticulously crafted and precisely detailed, are the backbone of any successful electrical installation. Let’s delve into the significance of accurate electrical drawings, particularly in the context of London and Essex, where every inch of space counts and efficiency is key.

Precision in Planning:

Small power, the lifeblood of modern buildings, requires a meticulous approach to planning. From lighting systems to power outlets, each component must be strategically placed and properly accounted for in the electrical drawings. In bustling urban centers like London, where space comes at a premium, every square foot must be optimized for functionality. Accurate electrical drawings ensure that no space is wasted and that the electrical infrastructure seamlessly integrates with the architectural design.

Navigating Complex Floor Plans:

Navigating the labyrinth of floor plans can be a daunting task without accurate electrical drawings. These blueprints serve as a guiding light, providing clarity amidst the complexity of architectural layouts. In densely populated areas like London and Essex, where buildings are stacked sky-high and floor plans are intricate, precise electrical drawings are indispensable. They not only facilitate smooth installation processes but also minimize the risk of errors and costly rework.

Harnessing the Power of CAD:

In the digital age, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has revolutionized the way electrical drawings are created and managed. Gone are the days of hand-drawn sketches and cumbersome revisions. CAD software empowers draughting professionals to create detailed electrical drawings with unmatched precision and efficiency. In dynamic urban environments like London, where projects evolve rapidly, CAD offers the flexibility to adapt and iterate seamlessly, ensuring that the drawings keep pace with evolving design requirements.

Streamlining Installation Processes:

Accurate electrical drawings lay the foundation for streamlined installation processes. By providing clear instructions and precise measurements, these blueprints enable electricians to execute their tasks with confidence and efficiency. In bustling urban landscapes like London and Essex, where timelines are tight and schedules are unforgiving, every minute saved counts. Accurate drawings help expedite installation timelines, minimize disruptions, and ultimately, deliver projects on time and within budget.

Ensuring Compliance and Safety:

In the realm of electrical installations, compliance and safety are non-negotiable. Accurate electrical drawings serve as a roadmap to ensure that installations adhere to building codes, regulations, and safety standards. In densely populated areas like London and Essex, where the risk of electrical hazards is heightened, meticulous attention to detail in these drawings can mean the difference between a safe, code-compliant installation and a potential disaster waiting to happen.

In conclusion, accurate electrical drawings are the linchpin of successful construction and renovation projects in London and Essex. From optimizing small power systems to navigating complex floor plans, from harnessing the power of CAD to streamlining installation processes, these blueprints play a pivotal role at every stage of the project lifecycle. As urban landscapes continue to evolve and construction projects become increasingly complex, the importance of accurate drawings cannot be overstated. They are not just lines on paper; they are the blueprint for success in the electrifying world of modern construction.

electrical drawing
electrical schematic drawing

Navigating Virtual Spaces with Precision: The Tape Measure Tool in CAD Virtual Walkthroughs

In the digital age, virtual walkthroughs have become indispensable tools for architects, designers, and clients alike. These immersive experiences allow users to explore architectural spaces virtually, gaining insights into layout, scale, and design elements. One feature that enhances the precision and utility of virtual walkthroughs is the tape measure tool, commonly found in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. Let’s dive into the significance of the tape measure tool in CAD virtual walkthroughs:

1. Accurate Measurements: The tape measure tool in CAD virtual walkthroughs enables users to take precise measurements of distances, dimensions, and spaces within the virtual environment. Whether assessing room dimensions, doorway widths, or furniture placement, the tape measure tool provides users with accurate measurements, facilitating informed decision-making and design evaluation.

2. Space Planning and Layout: Architects and designers leverage the tape measure tool to plan and layout spaces effectively within the virtual environment. By measuring distances between walls, columns, and architectural features, designers can optimize space utilization, ensuring that furniture, fixtures, and amenities fit seamlessly within the spatial constraints of the design.

3. Design Validation: The tape measure tool serves as a validation mechanism, enabling users to verify that design elements meet specified requirements and standards. Whether confirming compliance with building codes, accessibility guidelines, or client preferences, the ability to take precise measurements within the virtual environment helps ensure that designs align with project objectives and constraints.

4. Iterative Design: CAD virtual walkthroughs with the tape measure tool support iterative design processes, allowing designers to experiment with different layouts, configurations, and spatial arrangements. By measuring and adjusting elements in real-time, designers can explore various design options, refine their concepts, and iteratively improve the overall design quality and functionality.

5. Client Engagement: The tape measure tool enhances client engagement and collaboration by providing clients with a tangible understanding of spatial relationships and dimensions within the virtual environment. By taking measurements and discussing design considerations in real-time, designers can involve clients more actively in the design process, soliciting feedback and ensuring alignment with client expectations.

6. Construction Planning: Contractors and construction professionals utilize the tape measure tool in CAD virtual walkthroughs to facilitate construction planning and coordination. By accurately measuring spaces and structural elements, construction teams can plan material quantities, sequencing, and logistics more effectively, minimizing waste, errors, and delays during the construction phase.

7. Accessibility Assessment: The tape measure tool aids in assessing accessibility and circulation within architectural spaces. Designers can measure clearances, pathways, and reach ranges to ensure compliance with accessibility standards and accommodate the needs of all users, including those with disabilities.

In conclusion, the tape measure tool in CAD virtual walkthroughs is a powerful asset that enhances precision, efficiency, and collaboration in architectural design and planning. By providing users with accurate measurements and spatial insights, the tape measure tool enables architects, designers, clients, and construction professionals to navigate virtual spaces with confidence and clarity, ultimately leading to more informed decision-making and better-designed environments.

tape measure tool

Revolutionizing Construction: The Impact of Contractors Embracing Virtual Walkthroughs

In the realm of construction, the integration of CAD technology has been a game-changer, revolutionizing traditional workflows and approaches. One such innovation that is gaining traction among contractors is the adoption of virtual walkthroughs. These immersive digital experiences offer numerous benefits to contractors, enhancing efficiency, collaboration, and project outcomes. Let’s explore how contractors are leveraging virtual walkthroughs to streamline their processes and deliver exceptional results:

1. Enhanced Visualization: Virtual walkthroughs allow contractors to visualize projects in unprecedented detail before construction begins. By immersing themselves in a virtual representation of the site, contractors can gain a comprehensive understanding of spatial relationships, site conditions, and design intent, enabling them to identify potential challenges and opportunities early in the planning phase.

2. Improved Communication: Virtual walkthroughs facilitate clearer communication among project stakeholders, including clients, architects, engineers, and subcontractors. Virtual walkthroughs can be used to present project proposals, share design concepts, and solicit feedback from stakeholders, ensuring alignment and minimizing misunderstandings throughout the project lifecycle.

3. Early Issue Identification: Virtual walkthroughs enable contractors to identify and address potential issues and conflicts proactively. By navigating the virtual environment and simulating construction activities, contractors can anticipate clashes, logistical challenges, and constructability issues, allowing them to develop mitigation strategies and refine construction plans accordingly.

4. Streamlined Planning: Contractors use virtual walkthroughs to streamline project planning and logistics. By visualizing construction sequences, material deliveries, and equipment placement within the virtual environment, contractors can optimize project schedules, minimize downtime, and maximize efficiency on the job site, ultimately reducing costs and improving project timelines.

5. Safety Training and Risk Mitigation: Virtual walkthroughs serve as valuable tools for safety training and risk mitigation. Contractors can simulate hazardous scenarios, such as working at heights or operating heavy machinery, within the virtual environment, allowing workers to undergo safety training in a controlled and immersive setting. By identifying potential safety hazards and implementing preventive measures, contractors can mitigate risks and ensure a safer work environment for their teams.

6. Client Engagement and Satisfaction: Virtual walkthroughs enhance client engagement and satisfaction by providing clients with a realistic preview of the finished project. Contractors can use virtual walkthroughs to showcase design features, material selections, and construction progress, enabling clients to visualize their vision coming to life and make informed decisions throughout the construction process.

7. Sustainable Practices: Virtual walkthroughs support sustainable construction practices by reducing the need for physical mock-ups and site visits. By conducting virtual inspections and reviews, contractors can minimize travel-related carbon emissions, conserve resources, and reduce construction waste, contributing to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable construction industry.

In conclusion, contractors are embracing virtual walkthroughs as a transformative tool that enhances visualization, communication, planning, safety, client engagement, and sustainability in construction projects. As technology continues to advance, virtual walkthroughs will undoubtedly play an increasingly integral role in reshaping the construction industry, driving efficiency, innovation, and excellence in project delivery.

contractors discussing floor plans
contractor meeting working together wear worker helmets hardhat on construction site in modern city.Asian industry professional team in sun light

Enhancing Fire Safety and Efficiency with Lighting Control and Tagging in Virtual Walkthroughs

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, advancements in virtual walkthroughs are revolutionizing the way we approach fire safety and mechanical and electrical (M&E) systems in buildings. 

By integrating lighting control and tagging features into virtual walkthroughs, professionals in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries are gaining invaluable tools to enhance safety protocols and streamline M&E operations. 

 ### Leveraging Lighting Control for Enhanced Safety Lighting control systems play a crucial role in ensuring fire safety within buildings. Proper illumination not only aids in evacuation procedures during emergencies but also assists firefighters in navigating through structures in low-visibility conditions. Integrating lighting control functionalities into virtual walkthrough platforms allows stakeholders to simulate various lighting scenarios and assess their impact on fire safety measures. By adjusting lighting levels and configurations in virtual environments, architects and building designers can identify potential safety hazards such as obscured exit routes, inadequate emergency signage visibility, or areas prone to shadowing that may impede evacuation efforts. Additionally, real-time visualization of emergency lighting systems enables proactive troubleshooting and optimization to ensure compliance with safety regulations and standards. 

 ### Optimizing Mechanical and Electrical Systems with Tagging The complexity of M&E systems in modern buildings demands efficient management and maintenance practices. Virtual walkthroughs equipped with tagging capabilities offer an intuitive solution for organizing and accessing crucial information related to equipment, components, and infrastructure. By tagging M&E assets within virtual models, facility managers, maintenance technicians, and building operators can easily retrieve relevant data such as maintenance schedules, equipment specifications, operational manuals, and safety procedures. This streamlined access to information facilitates proactive maintenance planning, troubleshooting, and decision-making, ultimately enhancing system reliability and minimizing downtime. Furthermore, the integration of augmented reality (AR) technology with tagging features empowers onsite personnel to overlay digital annotations onto physical equipment, enabling real-time data visualization and instructional guidance for maintenance tasks. This immersive approach fosters knowledge transfer and skills development while ensuring adherence to proper safety protocols and procedures.

 ### The Benefits of Tagging in Virtual Walkthroughs 

 1. **Enhanced Collaboration**: Tagging functionality promotes seamless communication and collaboration among multidisciplinary teams by providing a centralized platform for sharing insights, observations, and action items related to fire safety and M&E systems.

2. **Efficient Training and Education **: Virtual walkthroughs with tagging capabilities serve as valuable educational tools for training personnel on fire safety protocols, equipment operation, and maintenance procedures, fostering a culture of safety awareness and competency development. 

 3. **Data-Driven Decision Making**: Access to tagged information within virtual environments enables data-driven decision-making processes, empowering stakeholders to prioritize resources, allocate budgets effectively, and implement targeted improvements to enhance overall safety and operational efficiency. 

 4. **Regulatory Compliance**: By documenting compliance-related information within virtual models through tagging, organizations can demonstrate adherence to regulatory requirements and standards, mitigating potential liabilities and ensuring occupant safety. 

 ### Conclusion Incorporating lighting control and tagging functionalities into virtual walkthroughs represents a paradigm shift in how we approach fire safety and M&E management in building environments. By harnessing the power of digital visualization and data organization, stakeholders can proactively identify risks, optimize system performance, and foster a culture of safety excellence. As technology continues to evolve, embracing innovative solutions will be paramount in creating safer, more resilient built environments for generations to come.

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, advancements in virtual walkthroughs are revolutionizing the way we approach fire safety and mechanical and electrical (M&E) systems in buildings, by enhancing fire safety with lighting control in virtual walkthroughs

By integrating lighting control and tagging features into virtual walkthroughs, professionals in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries are gaining invaluable tools to enhance safety protocols and streamline M&E operations. 

 ### Leveraging Lighting Control for Enhanced Safety Lighting control systems play a crucial role in ensuring fire safety within buildings. Proper illumination not only aids in evacuation procedures during emergencies but also assists firefighters in navigating through structures in low-visibility conditions. Integrating lighting control functionalities into virtual walkthrough platforms allows stakeholders to simulate various lighting scenarios and assess their impact on fire safety measures. By adjusting lighting levels and configurations in virtual environments, architects and building designers can identify potential safety hazards such as obscured exit routes, inadequate emergency signage visibility, or areas prone to shadowing that may impede evacuation efforts. Additionally, real-time visualization of emergency lighting systems enables proactive troubleshooting and optimization to ensure compliance with safety regulations and standards. 

 ### Optimizing Mechanical and Electrical Systems with Tagging The complexity of M&E systems in modern buildings demands efficient management and maintenance practices. Virtual walkthroughs equipped with tagging capabilities offer an intuitive solution for organizing and accessing crucial information related to equipment, components, and infrastructure. By tagging M&E assets within virtual models, facility managers, maintenance technicians, and building operators can easily retrieve relevant data such as maintenance schedules, equipment specifications, operational manuals, and safety procedures. This streamlined access to information facilitates proactive maintenance planning, troubleshooting, and decision-making, ultimately enhancing system reliability and minimizing downtime. Furthermore, the integration of augmented reality (AR) technology with tagging features empowers onsite personnel to overlay digital annotations onto physical equipment, enabling real-time data visualization and instructional guidance for maintenance tasks. This immersive approach fosters knowledge transfer and skills development while ensuring adherence to proper safety protocols and procedures.

 ### The Benefits of Tagging in Virtual Walkthroughs 

 1. **Enhanced Collaboration**: Tagging functionality promotes seamless communication and collaboration among multidisciplinary teams by providing a centralized platform for sharing insights, observations, and action items related to fire safety and M&E systems.

2. **Efficient Training and Education **: Virtual walkthroughs with tagging capabilities serve as valuable educational tools for training personnel on fire safety protocols, equipment operation, and maintenance procedures, fostering a culture of safety awareness and competency development. 

 3. **Data-Driven Decision Making**: Access to tagged information within virtual environments enables data-driven decision-making processes, empowering stakeholders to prioritize resources, allocate budgets effectively, and implement targeted improvements to enhance overall safety and operational efficiency. 

 4. **Regulatory Compliance**: By documenting compliance-related information within virtual models through tagging, organizations can demonstrate adherence to regulatory requirements and standards, mitigating potential liabilities and ensuring occupant safety. 

 ### Conclusion Incorporating lighting control and tagging functionalities into virtual walkthroughs represents a paradigm shift in how we approach fire safety and M&E management in building environments. By harnessing the power of digital visualization and data organization, stakeholders can proactively identify risks, optimize system performance, and foster a culture of safety excellence. As technology continues to evolve, embracing innovative solutions will be paramount in creating safer, more resilient built environments for generations to come.

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, advancements in virtual walkthroughs are revolutionizing the way we approach fire safety and mechanical and electrical (M&E) systems in buildings.

By integrating lighting control and tagging features into virtual walkthroughs, professionals in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries are gaining invaluable tools to enhance safety protocols and streamline M&E operations. 

 ### Leveraging Lighting Control for Enhanced Safety Lighting control systems play a crucial role in ensuring fire safety within buildings. Proper illumination not only aids in evacuation procedures during emergencies but also assists firefighters in navigating through structures in low-visibility conditions. Integrating lighting control functionalities into virtual walkthrough platforms allows stakeholders to simulate various lighting scenarios and assess their impact on fire safety measures. By adjusting lighting levels and configurations in virtual environments, architects and building designers can identify potential safety hazards such as obscured exit routes, inadequate emergency signage visibility, or areas prone to shadowing that may impede evacuation efforts. Additionally, real-time visualization of emergency lighting systems enables proactive troubleshooting and optimization to ensure compliance with safety regulations and standards. 

 ### Optimizing Mechanical and Electrical Systems with Tagging The complexity of M&E systems in modern buildings demands efficient management and maintenance practices. Virtual walkthroughs equipped with tagging capabilities offer an intuitive solution for organizing and accessing crucial information related to equipment, components, and infrastructure. By tagging M&E assets within virtual models, facility managers, maintenance technicians, and building operators can easily retrieve relevant data such as maintenance schedules, equipment specifications, operational manuals, and safety procedures. This streamlined access to information facilitates proactive maintenance planning, troubleshooting, and decision-making, ultimately enhancing system reliability and minimizing downtime. Furthermore, the integration of augmented reality (AR) technology with tagging features empowers onsite personnel to overlay digital annotations onto physical equipment, enabling real-time data visualization and instructional guidance for maintenance tasks. This immersive approach fosters knowledge transfer and skills development while ensuring adherence to proper safety protocols and procedures.

 ### The Benefits of Tagging in Virtual Walkthroughs 

 1. **Enhanced Collaboration**: Tagging functionality promotes seamless communication and collaboration among multidisciplinary teams by providing a centralized platform for sharing insights, observations, and action items related to fire safety and M&E systems.

2. **Efficient Training and Education **: Virtual walkthroughs with tagging capabilities serve as valuable educational tools for training personnel on fire safety protocols, equipment operation, and maintenance procedures, fostering a culture of safety awareness and competency development. 

 3. **Data-Driven Decision Making**: Access to tagged information within virtual environments enables data-driven decision-making processes, empowering stakeholders to prioritize resources, allocate budgets effectively, and implement targeted improvements to enhance overall safety and operational efficiency. 

 4. **Regulatory Compliance**: By documenting compliance-related information within virtual models through tagging, organizations can demonstrate adherence to regulatory requirements and standards, mitigating potential liabilities and ensuring occupant safety. 

 ### Conclusion Incorporating lighting control and tagging functionalities into virtual walkthroughs represents a paradigm shift in how we approach fire safety and M&E management in building environments. By harnessing the power of digital visualization and data organization, stakeholders can proactively identify risks, optimize system performance, and foster a culture of safety excellence. As technology continues to evolve, embracing innovative solutions will be paramount in creating safer, more resilient built environments for generations to come.

floor plans created from a virtual walkthrough

Mastering Electrical Drawings: Small Power and Data in CAD

In the realm of modern construction and engineering, the precision and clarity of electrical drawings are paramount. These blueprints serve as the guiding light for electricians, technicians, and engineers to bring power and data networks to life within buildings and structures. In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of crafting electrical drawings for small power and data systems using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. **Understanding the Essentials** Before diving into CAD software, it’s crucial to understand the fundamentals of electrical drawings. Small power and data drawings typically include details about power outlets, switches, lighting fixtures, and data networking components such as Ethernet ports and data sockets. These drawings not only convey the layout of electrical elements but also provide vital information regarding circuitry, wiring, and safety considerations.

 **Leveraging CAD for Precision and Efficiency** CAD software revolutionizes the creation of electrical drawings by offering unparalleled precision, flexibility, and efficiency. With CAD tools, designers can easily manipulate symbols, lines, and annotations to create comprehensive electrical schematics. CAD libraries provide a vast array of pre-designed electrical symbols, streamlining the drawing process and ensuring consistency across projects.

 **Creating a Layout** The first step in crafting electrical drawings is to create a layout that accurately reflects the physical space and placement of electrical components. CAD software allows designers to import architectural floor plans and integrate electrical elements seamlessly. By layering electrical components onto the floor plan, designers can ensure optimal placement for power outlets, switches, and data ports while adhering to building codes and safety standards.

 **Symbol Selection and Customization** CAD libraries offer a wide selection of standardized electrical symbols, ranging from power outlets to data jacks. Designers can easily drag and drop these symbols onto the drawing canvas, arranging them according to the layout requirements. Additionally, CAD software allows for the customization of symbols, enabling designers to modify attributes such as size, color, and line weight to enhance clarity and readability.

 **Wiring and Circuitry** One of the most critical aspects of electrical drawings is conveying the wiring and circuitry connections between components. CAD software simplifies this process by providing tools for drawing wires, cables, and conduits with precision. Designers can create logical connections between electrical elements, specifying circuit paths and identifying power sources and distribution points.  

**Annotation and Documentation** Accurate annotation and documentation are essential for conveying crucial information within electrical drawings. CAD software facilitates the addition of text labels, dimension lines, and callouts to provide context and clarity. Designers can annotate wiring diagrams with notes detailing wire gauges, circuit capacities, and voltage ratings, ensuring that electricians have all the information they need for installation and maintenance.

 **Collaboration and Revision Control** CAD software enables seamless collaboration among design teams, contractors, and stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle. Design files can be easily shared and reviewed, allowing for real-time feedback and iteration. Version control features ensure that revisions are tracked and documented, minimizing errors and discrepancies during the design process.  

**Conclusion** Electrical drawings for small power and data systems play a crucial role in the construction and maintenance of buildings. By harnessing the power of CAD software, designers can create detailed and accurate blueprints that guide the implementation of electrical infrastructure with precision and efficiency. From layout design to annotation and collaboration, CAD empowers designers to bring their vision to life while adhering to industry standards and best practices. Mastering the art of electrical drawings in CAD opens up a world of possibilities for creating safe, reliable, and efficient electrical systems for the modern built environment.

Streamlining Space: How VMR Draughting’s Virtual Walkthroughs Revolutionize Commercial Floor Planning

In the dynamic world of commercial real estate, precise floor planning is essential for maximising space efficiency, optimising workflow, and ultimately enhancing profitability. Traditionally, creating accurate floor plans for commercial properties has been a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, often involving manual measurements, sketches, and revisions. However, with the advent of virtual walkthrough technology, commercial property owners now have a powerful tool at their disposal to streamline the floor planning process and achieve unparalleled precision. Let’s explore how virtual walkthroughs are revolutionizing commercial floor planning and benefiting property owners.

1. **Immersive Exploration**: Virtual walkthroughs allow property owners to digitally explore their commercial spaces in unprecedented detail. By navigating through the property virtually, owners can gain a comprehensive understanding of its layout, dimensions, and potential use cases. The immersive experience that is floor planning and virtual walk throughs, provides valuable insights that inform the floor planning process and facilitate more informed decision-making.

2. **Accurate Measurements**: One of the biggest challenges in traditional floor planning is obtaining accurate measurements of commercial spaces. Virtual walkthroughs eliminate this challenge by enabling precise measurements to be taken directly from the digital model. With the ability to measure distances, angles, and dimensions with precision, property owners can create floor plans that are both accurate and reliable.

3. **Flexibility and Iteration**: Virtual walkthroughs offer unparalleled flexibility and iteration capabilities in the floor planning process. Property owners can easily experiment with different layout configurations, furniture arrangements, and zoning options within the virtual environment. This iterative approach allows for rapid prototyping and refinement of floor plans until the optimal design is achieved.

4. **Collaboration and Communication**: Virtual walkthroughs facilitate seamless collaboration and communication among stakeholders involved in the floor planning process. Property owners can share the virtual model with architects, designers, tenants, and other decision-makers, allowing everyone to visualize and provide feedback on proposed floor plans. This collaborative approach fosters alignment, consensus, and ultimately, faster decision-making.

5. **Cost and Time Savings**: By streamlining the floor planning process and minimizing the need for manual measurements and revisions, virtual walkthroughs help property owners save both time and money. The efficiency gains achieved through virtual walkthroughs translate into faster project timelines, reduced labor costs, and fewer errors or discrepancies in the final floor plans.

In conclusion, virtual walkthroughs have emerged as a game-changer for commercial property owners seeking to create accurate and efficient floor plans. By leveraging immersive technology, property owners can explore their spaces in unprecedented detail, obtain accurate measurements, iterate on design concepts, collaborate effectively with stakeholders, and ultimately, save time and money in the floor planning process. As floor planning and virtual walk throughs technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, its role in commercial real estate will only continue to grow, empowering property owners to unlock the full potential of their spaces.


Enhancing Safety and Efficiency: VMR Draughting Services Completes Building Surveys and Fire Drawings for RGE Services

screenshot of virtual walkthrough

Introduction: Welcome to VMR Draughting Services, your trusted partner in comprehensive CAD solutions and virtual walkthroughs. Based in the heart of East London, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch drafting services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Recently, we had the privilege of collaborating with RGE Services, a leading company in the industry, to provide them with meticulous building surveys and fire drawings. In this blog post, we’ll delve into how VMR Draughting Services utilized virtual walkthrough surveys to create accurate floor plans and enhance safety measures for RGE Services.

Virtual Walkthrough Surveys: Revolutionizing Building Surveys At VMR Draughting Services, we understand the importance of leveraging cutting-edge technology to streamline the surveying process. Virtual walkthrough surveys allow us to conduct thorough inspections of properties remotely, eliminating the need for extensive on-site visits. By utilizing state-of-the-art software and advanced imaging techniques, we can create detailed floor plans and capture crucial data with precision and efficiency.

Creating Comprehensive Floor Plans For our collaboration with RGE Services, we employed virtual walkthrough surveys to generate comprehensive floor plans that accurately depicted the layout of their facilities. Our team meticulously mapped out key areas, including emergency exits, fire extinguisher locations, and evacuation routes, to ensure compliance with safety regulations and optimize emergency response procedures. By providing RGE Services with detailed floor plans, we empowered them to make informed decisions regarding building management and emergency preparedness.

Prioritizing Fire Safety with Detailed Drawings In addition to building surveys, VMR Draughting Services specializes in producing high-quality fire drawings to enhance fire safety measures. For RGE Services, we meticulously crafted fire drawings that outlined critical information, such as fire alarm locations, fire escape routes, and assembly points. Our precise drawings serve as invaluable resources for RGE Services, enabling them to implement effective fire safety protocols and ensure the well-being of their employees and occupants.

A Collaborative Partnership for Success The successful completion of building surveys and fire drawings for RGE Services exemplifies the collaborative partnership between VMR Draughting Services and our esteemed clients. By prioritizing communication, innovation, and attention to detail, we were able to deliver tailored solutions that meet RGE Services’ specific requirements and exceed their expectations. We are committed to fostering long-term relationships built on trust, reliability, and excellence in CAD services.

Conclusion: At VMR Draughting Services, we take pride in our ability to deliver exceptional CAD solutions that enhance safety, efficiency, and productivity for our clients. Our recent collaboration with RGE Services exemplifies our dedication to providing comprehensive building surveys and fire drawings that meet the highest standards of quality and accuracy. As we continue to innovate and adapt to the evolving needs of the industry, we remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering excellence in CAD services for clients across East London and beyond.

The importance of fire zone drawings

keeping fire zone drawings up to date

Fire zone drawings

In this article I would like to stress the importance of fire zone drawings, a prime example is Grenfell tower. In the early hours of June 14, 2017, a devastating fire ripped through Grenfell Tower, a 24-storey residential building in West London. The inferno resulted in the deaths of 72 people and left many more homeless.

The cause of the fire was determined to be a faulty refrigerator, which sparked a blaze that quickly spread up the building’s exterior cladding.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, investigations revealed that the cladding used on the building’s exterior was not fire-resistant and that the building did not have an adequate sprinkler system.

What are Fire Zone Drawings?

Fire zone drawings are plans that show the location of fire-related equipment and systems, such as fire exits, sprinklers, and fire extinguishers.

They are an important tool for firefighters, as they provide a clear overview of a building’s fire safety features.

Fire zone drawings must be accurate and up-to-date, as they play a vital role in ensuring the safety of occupants and firefighters during a fire so I really cant strees enough the importance of fire zone drawings.
VMR Draughting Services are proud to be a part of the ongoing task of keeping fire zone drawings in London up to date.

Electrical Schematics

Creating Electrical Schematics

Wiring diagram


Electrical schematics are diagrams that show how electrical components are interconnected. They are used to troubleshoot electrical problems and to make repairs. Schematics can be created using CAD (computer-aided design) software.

General steps for creating an electrical schematic

There are a few general steps that you will need to follow when creating an electrical schematic. These steps are outlined below.

1. Choose a CAD program. There are many different CAD programs available. Some are free, while others must be purchased.

2. Outline the schematic. This can be done by hand or using a template.

3. Add the electrical components. Each component will need to be placed in the correct location and connected to the other components.

4. Add the labels. Labels are important for identifying the various parts of the schematic.

5. Save the file. Once the schematic is complete, it will need to be saved in a format that can be read by the CAD program.

It sound easy but if you dont have any exprience is best to leave it to the professionals.
There are loads of great CAD companies in London to choose from.

We are currently doing a lot of work on electrical schematics in Sussex working together with another CAD company creating Electrical drawings and electrical schematics.

How To Choose The Right Electrical Drawing Service in London

How To Choose The Right Electrical Drawing Service in London


If you are planning on having any kind of electrical work done, you will need to have an electrical drawing service provide you with the plans for your project. This is because electrical work can be very complicated, and the last thing you want is to have to redo something because it wasn’t done right the first time.

In this blog post, we will go over 1. why you need an electrical drawing service, 2. what to look for in an electrical drawing services, 3. how to get the most out of your electrical drawing service, and 4. the bottom line.

Why you need an electrical drawing service

If you are planning on having any kind of electrical work done, you will need to have an electrical drawing service provide you with the plans for your project. This is because electrical work can be very complicated, and the last thing you want is to have to redo something because it wasn’t done right the first time. An electrical drawing service will be able to provide you with comprehensive plans for your project that will take into account all of the necessary factors. This includes the type of electrical work you need to have done, the location of the work, the regulatory requirements, and more.

What to look for in an electrical drawing service

When you are looking for an electrical drawing service, you want to make sure that you find one that is experienced and reputable. You can ask for recommendations from friends or family, or you can search online for reviews. It is also important to make sure that the electrical drawing service you choose is accredited.

How to get the most out of your electrical drawing service

Once you have found an electrical drawing service that you can trust, it is important to communicate with them clearly about your project. This means providing them with as much information as possible about the work you need to have done. The more information you can give, the better the plans will be. Be sure to discuss any concerns you have and ask any questions you may have. This will help to ensure that the final plans are exactly what you need.

The bottom line

An electrical drawing service is a necessary part of any electrical project. By taking the time to find a reputable and experienced service, you can be confident that your project will be carried out smoothly and successfully.

Buying & selling properties with 3D Walkthroughs

The benefits of virtual walkthroughs

The buyers & sellers new virtual tool

Virtual walkthrough to sell property

As we evolve with technology most things are moving to virtual reality and we appreciate our time a lot more. Whether you are buying or selling a property with our 360° Matterport Camera we can transport you to the middle of a new home without leaving yours. The benefits of having a 3D Walkthrough are there’s no headset to wear, you can click your way through the rooms just like Google Street View.  You can step your way through each room effortlessly, it allows the client to walk through their future home and evaluate its distribution, decoration, and spaces, as well as the practicality of the design.

The clarity of the camera will show everything you need to see in a space for example if you need to know where all the plug sockets are located, where a fuse board is situated we can highlight these via our mattertags or whether you want to knock down walls to create an amazing space, you can see all of this on the walkthrough as if you are there yourself walking through the rooms.

Another benefit of having a 360° Virtual Walkthrough is even before you have the keys to your new home, project or renovation you can start designing your dream home before moving in, not only does it show you the space it measures it and comes with a 2D CAD floor plan.

For those who are selling you can save time by showing potential buyers the whole place by sending them a link to your property for them to explore their next adventure, without the hassle of making appointments that could potentially be cancelled and waste your time.

We know how stressful buying or selling a property can be, with our 3D virtual tour we can take some of that stress away.

CEME Business lands world-leading helicopter gig

An innovative Havering business, housed at the CEME Launchpad Centre, has won a lucrative contract to draw up the flight plan for the Heli Expo Challenge Cup. VMR Draughting Services, a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Specialist, secured the exciting project competing against businesses from across the world. The family-run business has created a bespoke flight plan to challenge the best helicopter pilots in the world as they compete in heats this summer in High Wycombe, before designing the course for the grand final in Bucharest next year.

Since taking up residency at the CEME Launchpad Centre, VMR Draughting Services has doubled its workforce and seen 20% growth within a year. The business boasts a line-up of blue-chip clients across the UK offering everything from one-off projects to long-term solutions. It has been commissioned to complete a unique CAD design for new doors which will be installed at Buckingham Palace.

Steve Rushbrook, Director of VMR Draughting Services said: “It’s been an amazing year of working on some exciting projects and winning the flight path project has been testing and fun to be involved with. The professionalism, facilities and support available at the CEME Launchpad Centre has been invaluable and integral to our growth. The entrepreneurial spirit encapsulated here is something that never fails to inspire us.”

Providing businesses with a springboard for them to win contracts both in the UK and internationally, is precisely what the CEME Launchpad Centre aims to deliver. Contact us today on 020 8596 5400 for more information on CEME and how we can help your business grow or click here to book a visit.

Network Evening

We are please to announce that we will be holding a networking evening on the  18th March 2020

We find that we have a lot of our customers ask us, do we know anyone that can help with

Fire Services, Mechanical & Electrical, Small Power & Lighting, Audio Visual, Structured Cabling, Drainage,

HVAC, Hot & Cold Water, the list goes on, so we decided it would be a good idea to bring our existing

customers together to meet and swap business cards over a beer and Pizza.

So looking forward to touching base with them all

Virtual Tours and 3D Walkthroughs

Announcing our new 360 degree 4K virtual site tour service

VMR Draughting Services are please to announce our new interactive 3D virtual tours. We have invested in the latest technology with the 3D camera from Matterport which gives us the ability to scan the inside of any type of building from top to bottom, creating  a  360 degree virtual walkthrough in stunning 4K. The walkthrough is so realistic and clear that you feel like you are actually on site, you even have the ability to zoom in and out with a scroll of your mouse wheel.

An added bonus is that you can even take accurate measurements within the software simply by using the ruler function built into the software. But it doesn’t stop there, from the virtual tour we are able to automatically create accurate 2 D floor plans from within the virtual site tour software, saving time and money spend on site surveying with tape measure and pencil.

A lot of our existing customers are finding it extremely useful for their mechanical and electrical drawing floor plans,  and with the added bonus of the 3d walkthrough, from which they can use from the comfort of their office instead of having to go back and fourth to site .

It must cost a fortune you might ask, well actually its a lot cheaper than you think, give us a call for a quote. 

Virtual tour

Virtual Walkthrough in Essex

This is a virtual walkthrough in Essex that we did recently for a mechanical and electrical company, who will be doing the refit on the building. As you can see with the Matterport dolls house it is easy to rotate, zoom in and out and manipulate as needed. And of course you can zoom right in and walk through the building as if you were on site( video of the actual walkthrough not uploaded)

From these Matterport virtual walkthroughs we are able to create accurate 2D floor plans.

Converting Virtual Walkthroughs to CAD

We are getting lots of our existing customers and new customers starting to use our virtual walkthrough service to generate 2D CAD floor plans. If you need a building surveyed for 2D floor plans, we can use our Matterport camera to digitally survey any building and create a 360 degree virtual tours to CAD floor plans.

No matter what industry you are in, be it M&E, HVAC, AV (AUDIO Visual), Real Estate, Fire Protection to mention a few. We can produce accurate floor plans and provide you with an amazing virtual walkthrough of the surveyed building.

Virtual walkthroughs are great for documenting AS Built projects or even just taking stock of the services,  the clarity is so good ( 4K ) that you can zoom right up on plug sockets, PIR Sensors Etc..

Below is a floor plan created from one of the walkthroughs and the actual walkthrough.

Click on the dolls house to interact

Kingston virtual site survey

Another successful virtual site survey

3D Walkthrough for Knights Frank in London Kingston

Another great virtual walkthrough completed, this one was done in Kingston London.The building consisted of 3 floors and a basement, it was very tight in some places but not a problem for the Matterport camera, even on the narrow stairs the 3d camera handled it like a dream!

Some of the rooms were quite dark but again the 360 degree camera adjusted and the virtual site survey came out brilliant. A big advantage is that we can convert the digital site tour into CAD DWG files and produce accurate floor plans so saves a lot of time on site.

Matterport camera survey
Virtual walkthrough in Kingston
Floor plan generated from virtual walkthrough
360 degree camera